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Accessibility Statement

This is the official accessibility statement for the Evans Plumbing Inc web site. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to fill out our contact form.

Access Keys

Most modern browsers support jumping to specific links within a web site through the use of keyboard shortcuts (called access keys) defined by the web site. On Windows, you can press ALT + Shift + an access key; on Macintosh, you can press Control + Option + an access key.

The following access keys are available throughout this web site:
Access KeyDescription
1 Home page
2 Skip over navigation and go directly to content
3 Site Map
9 Contact
0 Accessibility Statement and access key listing

Standards Compliance

All pages throughout this web site comply with priority 1 guidelines of the W3 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the U.S. Federal Government Section 508 Guidelines.

All pages throughout this web site validate as XHTML 1 Strict. They are structured using semantic markup. For example, an H1 tag is used for the title of each page, H2 is used for subheadings, H3 for tertiary headings, etc. In particular, this enables JAWS users to skip to the next post using ALT+INSERT+2.

All table cells are explicitly associated with their corresponding header cells to aid screen readers in rendering them in a clear and meaningful way. Where applicable, all tables contain captions and summaries.

Navigation aids

All pages have rel="home" links to aid navigation in text–only browsers.

All pages have a "skip navigation" link to allow text–only browsers and screen readers to skip directly to the content of the document.

A Site Map is available which contains links to all of the pages within the web site.


Whenever possible, link text is written to make sense out of context to aid browsers (such as JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx, and Opera) that allow the user to browse a list of links culled from a page. Many links contain additional descriptive information in the title tag.

There are no links that contain Javascript in their href attributes. All links can be followed by any browser, regardless of whether scripting is turned off. All links that open new windows inform the user within the contents of the title attribute.


All images include descriptive text provided through the alt attribute.


This site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout. If your browser does not support style sheets, the content of the page is still readable.

This site uses only relative font sizes to ensure compatibility with text resizing features in visual browsers.

Evans Plumbing Inc
Proudly expanding into Boise Idaho

Serving the Wood River, Magic & Treasure Valleys

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July 25th 2024 Being a journeyman plumber is a very good career move. It's in demand, gives good pay, and satisfies because it is challenging. Here are some steps to follow in order to get started: Complete High School or Get a GED Before you can get started in any kind of specialized training,...

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